Musica mundana

for Tape alone


Duration 21′ (short version 11′)

Commissioned by Ina-GRM ( see discography )

created in the auditorium Olivier Messiaen – Maison de Radio France – Paris 19 juin 2000

SoundCloud YouTubeBANDCAMP

Mixed, fusion and root music which focuses on vocals as fundamental means of expression.

I could not have composed this piece a few years ago, I would have practiced some kind of self-censorship about these miscellanous parts which I have been able today to weld in some kind of huge “melting pot” that intends to be the reflection of the world we live in.

The emotional track which is inevitibly present in any vocal expression has indeniably allowed me to grant an expressive dimension to that music.

I have been keen on producing a thorough work on “harmonisation” of various music and vocals, whether it be by origin or style. I’ve often been surprised by the multiple possible combinations of various musics, religious, traditional, contemporary, synthetic, as if in metal weldings . A genuine alchemy !

Many thanks to Irene Jarsky for lendind her voice.

Christian ELOY